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5 Modern Paint Colors That Work Surprisingly Well in Older or Historic Homes

July 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — platinumftw @ 5:41 pm
an older home’s interior being repainted

Repainting an older or historic home is an opportunity to honor its past while also giving a fresh, updated look for the future. However, selecting the right color scheme is essential for preserving its character and architectural integrity – after all, these are elements that you should want to feature! Continue reading below for a few modern paint color ideas that tend to work surprisingly well in older or historic homes.


The Best Cabinet Colors to Pair with White Kitchen Appliances

June 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — platinumftw @ 4:39 pm
a modern kitchen being repainted

When it comes to kitchen redesigns, the cabinets are an important point of focus. They take up a good amount of your kitchen’s surface area and benefit from being painted a pleasant and impressive color. That said, picking the perfect shade for your kitchen cabinets isn’t always easy, especially if your space is filled with numerous white appliances. But don’t despair; it’s quite easy to tastefully pair these appliances with the right colors! Here are five cabinet colors you should strongly consider for your upcoming kitchen redesign.


Tips for Navigating the Exterior Painting Process for HOA Communities

May 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — platinumftw @ 3:41 pm
a row of painted homes

There are few home improvement projects as exciting as painting; it’s an opportunity to transform your home, express your interests and personality, and of course, drastically boost your curbside appeal! That said, if you live within an HOA community, exterior painting isn’t always so simple – you’ll have to be mindful of your HOA’s rules and guidelines concerning exterior modifications. Continue reading below for a few tips to help you navigate the exterior painting process without upsetting your HOA or incurring any costly fines, while also ensuring fabulous results!


4 Exciting Paint Color Scheme Ideas for Your Home Office

April 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — platinumftw @ 8:08 pm
a painted home office

Home offices are exciting; there’s nothing quite like setting up a space where you can work remotely, manage your home business, or knock out that upcoming essay. But how this space is decorated often plays a large role in the productive atmosphere it creates. Simply put, if you don’t enjoy how the space is painted, it’ll be tough to get work done when you’re there! Continue reading below for four exciting color scheme ideas that are perfect for virtually any home office, no matter what your goals are.


What Factors Affect How Often I Need to Repaint My Home’s Interior?

March 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — platinumftw @ 8:12 pm
a person painting their home

Repainting the interior of your home is not only a great way to freshen up its appearance, but also to maintain its value and protect the surfaces of your walls from wear and tear. However, it isn’t always clear how often your interior walls need to be repainted, and there are quite a few factors that can affect this frequency. Continue reading below to learn more about how to determine when it’s time to repaint!


6 Crazy, Wacky Paint Colors That Work Surprisingly Well

February 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — platinumftw @ 11:22 pm
an assortment of colorful paint cans

When it comes to painting the interior of your home, choosing colors can be one of the most exciting parts of the process—however, it’s also often one of the most challenging! While many homeowners opt for safe and neutral tones, others prefer to push the envelope and experiment with bold and unconventional choices. If you’re feeling adventurous and want to make a statement with your interior paint, here are a few crazy ideas that work surprisingly well!


3 Useful Tips for Pet Owners Painting Their Home

January 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — platinumftw @ 6:49 pm
a couple painting their home with their dog

People these days love their pets—it’s estimated that in the US alone, around 65 million households own a dog, with another 46 million owning a cat! But let’s face it; sometimes our furry friends make life a little trickier, and we must arrange special accommodations for them, such as during vacation or when moving. Believe it or not, painting your home doesn’t present too many challenges for pet owners; with a little savvy preparation and know-how, it can easily be done with no inconvenience to your pets! Here are three must-know tips to keep in mind if you’re a pet owner who’s about to repaint your home’s interior.  


Must-Know Tips for Revitalizing Your Kitchen Filled With Black Appliances

December 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — platinumftw @ 5:28 pm
a modern kitchen that was painted

The kitchen is one of the most utilized areas in any home, meaning that it shouldn’t just be an efficient use of space—it should also be a beautiful use of space! And these days, it might be a little tricky to select a paint color and design scheme that you’re happy with, mainly due to the presence of various kitchen appliances, many of which come in sleek, bold black finishes. Keep reading for a few must-know tips that are certain to help you find a color scheme that pairs well with your black kitchen appliances.


Can Light Influence the Color of My Paint?

November 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — platinumftw @ 7:22 pm
a painted room with natural lighting

If you’re about to embark on an interior painting project, you’re probably feeling excited at the prospect of transforming part (or all) of your house into something spectacular! But you should want to ensure that your results last for as long as possible and don’t unexpectedly change in appearance. However, did you know that light can sometimes alter the perceived color of paint? Continue reading below to learn a little more about how light can influence the color of paint, and how you can ensure that it doesn’t greatly affect your results!


What Paint Colors Will Match My Dark Hardwood Floors?

October 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — platinumftw @ 6:06 pm
hardwood floor with a white wall background

The two largest surfaces in any given room include the floor and the walls—and because of this, any sensible interior designer will tell you that they must complement each other! This means that if you have hardwood floors in your home, you might need to put a little extra thought into what paint color scheme you’re selecting if you’re hoping to impress your house guests! Continue reading to learn more about some of the best paint color schemes for elevating rooms and homes with dark wood floors.

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